Thursday, March 02, 2006
Kick Penis!
A girlfriend of mine left me her copy of "Making Out in Korean," and it quickly replaced the dictionary in my handbag. This slender little guide contains useful phrases for parties, dining, fighting and screwing.
Thanks to this book, I found my new favorite word: Chokka! It literally means "Kick penis" and I can use it when I want to tell someone to fuck off or threaten to kick his privates.
The girls and I had a ball with this book last night. There's a whole chapter on what to say when you're getting laid--as if a foreigner could speak in Korean during sex!--and N, one of our Korean friends, wanted to learn some dirty English phrases.
"'I wan-na see your poo-shi.' Poo-shi? What is this word?" she asked.
"Pussy," E corrected as we fought to contain our laughter. N whipped out her electronic dictionary.
"'Cat.' I don't understand. Why would my boyfriend want to see my cat?"
"It has two meanings," I said, pointing to my own kitty.
"English is difficult!" N shrieked, covering her face with both hands.
The next day I tried to impress a coworker with my newfound knowledge. "Yochum bapoyo," I sighed as we sorted through files in the office. Things are busy.
When she shrugged, confused, I repeated myself.
"Yochum ba-bba-yo," she urged. "Be careful. You sound like you're saying you're an idiot."
Korean is difficult . . . but fun.
"My instructor wants me to have dinner with him," I told M when I returned home from Taekwondo practice a few hours ago.
"He probably wants you to kick his penis," she said.
Pia at 10:50 PM
- at 7:54 AM Kevin Sole said...
I second the 5 words spoken by David.
And thirded. Or something.
Chokka!- at 9:58 AM Pia said...
I'm saving a few Korean insults for Hongdae tonight:
Chokatunom! You look like a penis!
Kaso omma choshina tomoko wa! Go drink your mother's breast milk and then come back!
Chibena kaso taltal-i cho! Go home and masturbate!
I love learning Korean.