Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Still In Orbit . . .

No, I'm not. Just ended another interview. C was very enthusiastic and wanted to know if I would sign a contract right away. Call me old fashioned but I like my potential employers hard-to-get. (Let's not follow that up with the obvious.) However, I will look into their school before I make a decision. Which must be made by tomorrow, apparently. I'm an idiot for promising her a call within the next 24 hours.

I feel like I need to get a job ASAP, mostly out of concern for my father. I just want him to be proud of me and feel secure in my future. The actual job is a distant second as far my desires with my career right now. I could end up in Hellhole, Nevada for all I care. I don't want him to think of me as his deadbeat daughter.

I want to sleep so badly, but I'm wired from two interviews within the past hour. Back to my knitting.

Pia at 6:04 PM



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