Friday, October 07, 2005

Whoa, my phone was on vibrate?

A school called me yesterday for an interview, but I had my phone on vibrate. I keep forgetting about it . . .

Hmm, I've been sending my resume/photo to recruitment agencies in South Korea like my ass is on fire. A couple of schools have emailed me, requesting availability dates. It's kind of a tough spot because I want to give my current boss at least two weeks notice.

Some also want a passport scan to show I'm really an U.S. citizen--at least, that's what I hope they're thinking. I tried scanning it at Staples, but because of that pesky immigration problem it's apparently illegal to copy your passport. Bah!

Other news: bought NIN's "The Downward Spiral" and "With Teeth" (or, as I like to call it, "A-With-a Teeth-a") and officially obsessed with Trent Reznor. No, really, the "Closer" video is being freeze-framed on my laptop as I type this. And I bought the Fiona Apple album, which I'm super-duper excited about, at least until she convinces me to slit my wrists or cry myself to sleep or whatever.

Pia at 2:07 PM



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