Saturday, September 17, 2005

Hurrah for Prunes!

I was pouring a glass of prune juice for my bedridden father when I saw that the drink was made in my hometown. We have a Sunsweet factory across from Wal*Mart, so I wasn't surprised. But for the first time, I was actually proud of this town, because in spite of the lack of things to do, at least we manufacture nutritious--if crap tasting--fluids. And the largest, classiest cities in the world can't do that for you.

Don't get me wrong--I still have a love-hate affair with this lukewarm place. I just emailed my TESOL instructor 90% of my homework assignments, so I can get a job and fly the hell out of here. But I don't feel so bad about living here anymore. My only problems lie with a) not having a full-time gig, and b) living at my parents' place, rent-free.

As I mentioned above, my father is recovering from surgery, so any attempts to play nurse would be honorable. But now I'm mooching off a sick parent, and in my excessively analytical universe that places me in the same league as the devil.

I suppose my slacker persona is my main reason for starting this blog. It's been a couple of months since I've applied for work, and now that the bank has lessened my hours, I should start sending out resumes and cover letters again. I'll mark my progress here, and if you notice I've been neglectful, feel free to jump my ass if you come across me at Starbucks.

Pia at 12:29 PM



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